August 28, 2008
Days are going.
August 27, 2008
August 20, 2008
August 15, 2008
August 14, 2008
Here is one of his poems.
O, we'll go no more a-roving
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.
For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have a rest.
Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a-roving
By the light of the moon.
August 13, 2008
i'm not a writer.
yeah! am not. I'm an artist. So this is warning to all of you grammar/spelling/ i have a hissy fit with punctuation people. I try.. really, I even hit the spell check, I have 2 languages in my little brain Spanish and English and they like to play little games in my head. I also make up words in Spanish, not on purpose of course, but it's been a source of entertainment that has brought many laughs to my parents. They usually laugh at me , imitate my voice and then latter correct me. All I do is lift my shoulders and laugh with them. So getting back to my warning, or apology , which ever you like. Am not an expert in the English language or the Spanish , but i do have double the amount of words you have in your brain, so bear with me if am not to par with your grammar or spelling. I also am, a free spirit that doesn't like to many rules (it's pretty amazing I do belong to a religion) or regulations when it comes to expressing myself. Sometimes I just write what sounds good to me, well in Spanish that usually how one writes....there are no ghost letters. One last addition to the mix is my ADD or ADHD, dyslexia and well there you have it...So there it is, be patient and flexible with me as i try to get my point across, ok...ok thank you! very muchy
UPDATE: I do have to add that I welcome corrections, I like to learn from my please let me know, graciously Fabiola.
August 7, 2008
I like lyrics
I'm one of those people that listens to the words in songs. I can be completely inspired by a line in a song and write a poem about it or just open a whole dialogue in my head (one that can go on for hours, take a break and then come back)
There's a line in a song that lately i been thinking about "Isn`t it time you got over how fragile you are..."
It was a little wake up call...yeah isn't it time...enough all ready.
I'm in a great place in my life, things are not perfect but I am happy.
Not for any reason other than an realization of peace....inner content-ness...A few weeks ago, i had this excitement inside of me. I can't describe it, just happy i guess and I could see some of my friends were a bit an underling sadness was beautiful to me. Why ? because it's life and that is part of it.
We all can get so sucked into our little worlds, we forget to breath, it's beautiful cause we are alive, we do feel and we are not numb. Insecurities and fears, troubles and loneliness...its all true cause we feel it, it's real. But, if we can just be OK with being OK, with being fragile and then getting over it. SO what! that we had a broken heart, so what we are not there yet, so what !'s really be here at this moment and take it all in and accept it for what it is. I think the moment we get out of ourselves, that moment we start just being who we really are....and loving all of it, the good the bad and the ugly, then we are then not so fragile. When I say getting over ourselves I mean looking outside of our own perspective, taking off those horse blinder's and seeing everything else, maybe even laughing about it.
I love little kids they are so wise...they want to be strong and tough, they love super heroes and believe in the impossible... They are not fragile, but brave and adventurous (at least most kids are) and the best part of them is that they are so forgiving. No wonder we are told to be like little children they get it and get over it.
Life is not out to get us, we make ourselves fragile to it.
It's time to stop being so hurt and wounded. It's time to get up and get over it.
So it's OK you are not liked, it's OK that things don't work out, it's OK that we make mistakes, it's not the end of you and certainly not the end of life,.
So thank you Miss Anna Nalick...i got it, by the way the song is called " Shine" and the chorus says " shine away".Please do, shine and be who you are (which is not a fragile wounded soul)
I guess I am speaking from experience and being fragile doesn't work for me anymore, it hasn't for a while...I choose to befriend life, with whatever it has to bring. So bring it!
Uh! that reminds me a friend this past weekend passed something someone had told her, she said "EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS A GIFT, EVERYTHING " (that includes all of it)... wow! blew my mind. I'm keeping that one, I'm watering it, giving it some sun and keeping it alive.
so here i go
-listen to up beat music (i tend to like sad music), I'm changing everything on my ipod
-write on my blog ha!
-wear a necklace (i tend not to wear jewelry which is weird cause i make lots of necklaces)
-wear my glasses more often ( yes i have glasses, but don't wear them to often, is a very tiny prescription)
-invite people to be my friend on facebook, i tend to wait for someone else to invite