August 31, 2010

life should always be this fun....!

Ella and the chocolate fountain.

August 30, 2010

i like the scent in the air, the leaves are turning, the days are shorter....i can feel it in my lungs when i breath it in....fall is of my favorite times of year....feels like warm hot chocolate in me belly....mmmm......uhhh caramel apple cider.

August 29, 2010

there is something very romantic about DEFEATING distance to see someone you love.

August 16, 2010

i dont believe in coincidences. with all the synchronization lately, tiny little moments, that go unnoticed to most, are gigantic to me....if you are looking for answers you will find them, they are always finding you....always. just look a little harder and noticed them. the universe is always giving u what u need.

August 14, 2010

.....way up's me

60 foot wall @ hard rock, american fork canyon, Utah.

August 8, 2010

August 4, 2010

i'm grateful

for the rainy evening with hale, thunder and lighting out my window, and for pink and purple skies on my ride home. Thank you.