November 1, 2010

MASOCHIST, you one?

I dont believe that people/things that have hurt you, time and time again, should have the best of you. Its suicide. What do you call people that like pain brought on by them, oH yeah ! masochist..... I'm referring to the EMOTIONAL sense..... Emotional-Masochist. Why would anyone put them selves in harms way by someone/situation that has hurt and purposely disrespected you. I don't know ? It doesn't make sense, but we are ALL guilty of it. At a certain point we have enought and learn, or get used to it and like it. Maybe I see it clearly, or maybe the wounds wont heal. Maybe I dont know how to forgive, I definitely don't forget. After 3 times, you are are done!.... I understand we all make mistakes, But at some point we have to take responsibility for what is done to us and how we are going to deal with it. I fully appreciate and with conviction say that I have to take RESPONSIBILITY for how I am treated. Sometimes situations are thrown our way ,and other times, we are participants of allowing the pain to continue. I love pro-activity. I will not be anyones victim not even by me.

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