I have been silent for a while. I've had things to say but didn't feel like putting them into lines and ideas. Ignoring them felt right. I'm taking responsibility tonight for all that was thought and not said. I wonder at times why is it that we are so unaware of ourselves, I have always been curious about my inner workings, and I dive into dissecting my behaviour and putting reasons behind it. I take life too seriously. I do! I like to be aware of what the hell I'm doing with my life. How I spend my time and with who. I'm responsible for my feelings and even for the things that I do and I'm not aware. For who I choose to listen to and have them affect my life. I'm responsible for all of it. So in my attempt to be a little bit more aware and responsible for my actions, I choose to ignore life a bit and not take it too serious. Because, in the end it all comes out in the wash, expectations are imaginary and I choose to be like waters that run, flexible and free.